So, lately I've been using the Trigger Point Performance Therapy Starter Kit with the aim of reducing areas of tension in the key areas that influence movement quality, especially for running (in the lower limbs, that's mainly the calf (gastrocnemius & soleus) and the glutes (piriformis)). So what does that mean? Basically, it means reducing the length/tension relationship in the muscle, thus making the muscle more pliable or elastic (releasing the tension).
I've found that the Trigger Point Performance Therapy Starter Kit I have is a great kit to start with, it allows you to self massage and manage various aches and pains of the body, particularly for us multi-sport guys who always seem to suffer from aches and pains in the feet, achilles tendon, calf and glutes. For me, my achilles and lower soleus have never felt better!
This kit is definitely worth checking out, I know I'll be looking at their other sets soon, particularly the one which includes the kit for the quads and hamstrings (they call it the quad-baller). Train smart all!
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